Palo Alto Networks CSO: Here’s What’s Ahead In 2014

Dec 18, 2013
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We’re very pleased to introduce Palo Alto Networks Chief Security Officer Rick Howard, who brings to our company decades of cybersecurity experience in both the commercial and public sectors.

Rick was most recently Chief Information Security Officer for TASC and General Manager of iDefense, the commercial cybersecurity intelligence service at VeriSign. He was previously in charge of intelligence-gathering activities at Counterpane Internet Security, and also served in the United States Army for 23 years, retiring as a lieutenant colonel in 2004.

Rick has published many academic papers on technology and security and has contributed as an executive editor to two books: “Cyber Fraud: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures” and “Cyber Security Essentials.” And as you’ve already seen this week, Rick has a keen interest in cybersecurity literature of all kinds, and leading up to next year’s RSA conference, he’ll be discussing books he thinks belong in the Cybersecurity Canon.

Rick’s already underway with a busy schedule of speaking engagements and research activities, but we recently grabbed some time with him to talk about the past year’s big stories in cybersecurity and what he thinks will dominate conversation in 2014. Let’s hear what Rick had to say:

We thank you for all the great feedback we’ve received on our 2014 predictions series – the Palo Alto Networks community is an opinionated and vocal bunch! Here’s a look back at the series:


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