Palo Alto Networks News of the Week – January 10, 2014

Jan 10, 2014
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Another week, another roundup of the top Palo Alto Networks news! Don’t forget to visit us right here, every Friday, for a fresh batch.

Palo Alto Networks announced that we’ve acquired Morta Security.

Isabelle Dumont discussed better POS security with network segmentation and a zero trust approach, as well as how Palo Alto Networks technology addresses CERT’s security recommendations

Tip of the Week: Migrating from Cisco ASA to Palo Alto Networks? We can help you learn how to do it.

Palo Alto Networks 2014 predictions are still being picked up around the globe:


  • BlogIT
  • United Kingdom

  • IT Reseller Magazine
  • Channel Pro
  • Spain

  • DiarioTi
  • Silicon News
  • CIO Spain
  • Rick Howard added two more “must-read” books to his Cybersecurity Canon.

  • Confront and Conceal
  • Zero Day
  • Check out the first entry in our “Spotlight On #Ignite2014” blog post series and get a closer look at the marquee track, Building a Next-Generation Cybersecurity Strategy.

    There’s still time to save $100 on your Ignite 2014 registration, all you have to do is register before January 31!

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