Tip of the Week: 5 Keys To Preventing Advanced Attacks

Jan 22, 2014
1 minutes
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It is no secret that modern information-based attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and common, and these advanced threats present one of the most important challenges facing network security teams today. Attackers have learned to customize and modify their malware in order to bypass traditional security controls, and then use that malware as a control point to orchestrate patient, sophisticated network attacks. As a result, security teams must adapt and find new security technologies that can identify and even prevent infections from malware that may never have been seen before in the wild.

This Palo Alto Networks paper describes some of the most important criteria to consider when architecting your defenses against advanced attacks and modern malware.

At Ignite 2014, we're discussing advanced attacks and modern malware in our track “Malware Deconstructed.” Check out more about this, and other tracks, here.

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