Understanding the Relationship Between Cyberattacks and Applications

May 09, 2014
1 minutes
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Today's cybersecurity threats hide in plain sight amidst your network traffic, using applications as their infiltration vector, exhibiting application-like evasion tactics or leveraging commonly-used network applications for exfiltration.

In a series of upcoming seminars in Australia and New Zealand, Matt Keil, Palo Alto Networks Global Senior Research Analyst, will discuss the intertwined relationship between cyberattacks and applications, and present the latest findings on enterprise application usage from Palo Alto Networks.

If you're in Australia or New Zealand, catch Matt and Palo Alto Networks experts this month. Click on each date below to register.

The Relationship Between Cyberattacks and Applications

AusCERT 2014

Application or Threat: 3 Keys to Sniffing Them Out

We will also be presenting Ultimate Test Drive workshops, which are your opportunity to get hands-on experience with the Palo Alto Networks platform, following several of these seminars. Click below to register:

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