Announcing Our PA-7050 Picture It Winners for August 2014!

Sep 12, 2014
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We all love recognition, and here's how this works: you show us what a miniature PA-7050 would look like in your data center, snap a photo and get it noticed. And maybe, just maybe, you win a great prize, just like two people we're excited to honor today.

Our PA-7050 Picture It winners for August are…

Michael, who gave us this great snap…

7050 (1)

…and Antonio, who posted this one:

foto_Antonio Masalajpg

Congratulations to Michael and Antonio!

Keep those submissions coming and tag them #pa7050pic. We'll pick winners in each geography, and you have until the last day of September to be entered for this month's prize. Read the full contest rules and head here to download your bite-sized PA-7050.

Still not inspired? Watch this video to see how it's done:

Previous winners

Learn more about the PA-7050


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