As 2014 comes to a close, our subject matter experts check in on what they see as major topics and trends for the new year. (You can read all of our 2015 predictions content here.)

Although financial institutions have long allocated resources to security, they have often been under siege, and have frequently been victims of some of the largest breaches in recent years.
Bottom line: they still need to do more. Here are a few of my predictions on this industry for 2015:
1. The pace of investment will accelerate and companies with best-in-class security will stand out.
2015 will see a change in the level of innovation and investment, and overall spending and investment in resources will accelerate, driven by companies that have kept pace with security, implementing all best practices, from network segmentation to systematic patching.
Organizations that have best in class security will stand out from others who still need to catch up. We’ll know this because hackers will prey on the least protected companies as low hanging fruit – easy to spot.
2. More regulations will surface for segments that are core to the integrity of the international financial markets including trading exchanges.
In 2014, the SEC in the US and its Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) issued an alert focusing on the cybersecurity preparedness of institutional investment organizations and capital markets. More than 50 registered investment brokers and advisers were surveyed on their level of preparedness.
This exercise is just one of many examples showing that more guidelines and, potentially, regulations will be crafted to ensure a consistent and higher level of security in financial markets. The SEC guidelines and survey documents can be used today as a resource to evaluate your security posture. Use the alert to close any gaping holes in your defenses!
3. 2015 will see the start of the overhaul of the payment processing segment, especially in the US.
American credit cards have historically been lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to security. While the US market will slowly migrate to chip and pin cards, the market is now opening for more innovative payment technologies.
Unfortunately, priorities on new payment technologies are still based on costs and fees more than security. 2015 will most likely be the year where the adoption of Apple Pay or Google Wallet by consumers get weighed against merchants’ preference for alternative CurrentC because of its lower fee model.
Just like any other new and hyped technology, Apple Pay and virtual payment schemes will no doubt become prime hacking targets. Securing payment processes should remain a top priority for any business.
The challenge of securing financial services organizations is among many industry-specific topics planned for Ignite 2015, where you will tackle your toughest security challenges, get your hands dirty in one of our workshops, and expand your threat IQ. Register now to join us March 30-April 1, 2015 in Las Vegas — the best security conference you’ll attend all year.