2016 Prediction #6: The Rise of Mobility in the Industrial Internet of Things

Dec 03, 2015
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This is the sixth in our series of cybersecurity predictions for 2016. Stay tuned for more through the end of the year.


This was originally posted on EnergyCentral.com.

The future, modernized state of Industrial Control Systems goes by many names.  Some are general such as "Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)" and "Industry 4.0." Others are more sector-specific names, such as "Smart Factories" (Manufacturing), "Smart Grid" (Electric), and "Digital Oilfield" (Oil & Gas). Modernization not only includes the deployment of enabling technologies but also broader and deeper connectivity.

Both will be great for economics, but with them will come an increase in potential attack vectors. One technology that I feel should be of particular concern to asset owners is mobility.  Not only do I see it gaining adoption in 2016, I believe that attackers will also start to use it as a stepping stone for compromising the automation environment.

Read the full prediction on EnergyCentral.com:

We've Got You Covered for Mobility in the IIoT

As a Palo Alto Networks user, you already have the infrastructure to help you securely adopt mobility in your IIoT architecture with our GlobalProtect mobile security technology. It extends your next-generation security posture out into the mobile environment, ensuring consistency of access control and threat prevention.  This is just one of the many integrated components of our security platform, which was designed to work cohesively with the rest. Learn more about GlobalProtect.

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