Interns Meet Executives: Annual Gathering at CEO’s House

Jul 27, 2016
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As the summer winds down, Palo Alto Networks hosted its annual Intern Dinner with the Executive Team at CEO Mark McLaughlin’s house last Thursday. This dinner is one of the biggest, most anticipated events of the summer for our interns.

“Having dinner at Mark’s was an unforgettable experience that was the icing on the cake of an amazing summer internship,” says Procure to Pay intern McKenna Kwok. “The evening was full of good food, great conversation and new friendships.”

Interns from our offices around the country flew out to Santa Clara, California for the week to join their intern class at headquarters and attend this special dinner. They also visited The Tech Museum to experience the Cyber Detectives Exhibit, participated in a New Grad Panel, and networked with their teams from around the United States.

We elevate this particular week during the internship program to give all of our interns the chance to meet HQ-based employees, network with executives, and see the bigger picture of Palo Alto Networks. This culminating experience helps create the lasting memories that build our program and pipeline for the future.

“Meeting the executive team of a publicly traded company is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and something I will never forget,” says Dylan Lee, Intern, Business Development. “Being an intern, I never expected such great treatment. It goes to show how great this company's culture truly is.”

interns at marks

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