Activities That Support Deterrence - Industry’s Role in Norms of Responsible Behavior in Cyberspace

Jun 08, 2017
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In my first essay of this series, I described cyberspace as one of the most unique and complex environments ever to exist. I then argued that deterrence in cyberspace is fundamentally an issue that is distributed among the private and public sectors within and between nations.  Therefore, I offered that deterrence solutions must be multi-faceted and include multi-party participation. Since the private sector owns, operates and maintains the vast majority of the cyberspace environment, industry should be one of the most important participants in the deterrence discussion. However, most of the discussion focuses on the role that governments play, while industry’s role is often an afterthought and its participation extremely limited.

This essay series focuses on the role of the private sector and how industry can contribute to governmental efforts in deterring cyberthreats. My first essay in the series discussed the growing role of the private sector in cyberthreat intelligence and information sharing. This second essay discusses the role of industry in the development of norms of responsible behavior in cyberspace and how this supports deterrence.

Read the full article on Security Roundtable.

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