Now Available: GlobalProtect Cloud Service

Sep 27, 2017
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As organizations expand, they must secure a growing number of locations. With the opening of new branch offices and retail outlets, and the shift in locations of the mobile workforce, the traditional definition of the network perimeter no longer applies.

What does not change, however, is the need to deliver security to every corner of the organization. The key challenge organizations face is in building out the infrastructure and supporting a global deployment, in other words, the challenge is around how to operationalize the necessary protection measures everywhere they must be. The problem is so great that IT teams are often forced to make compromises in how much protection is available for the locations and users outside of headquarters, a choice that has diminishing returns. The protection goes down, and the long term administrative costs go up.

Palo Alto Networks can help with these challenges. GlobalProtect cloud service was announced at Ignite 2017 and is now available. Organizations that use GlobalProtect cloud service will be able to maintain operational efficiency by taking the same platform that’s used at the perimeter and the data center, and deliver consistent security for remote networks and mobile users.

The flexibility of the cloud plays an important role in predictable costs as well. Normally, when organizations plan a capital purchase of any type, it requires determining how much capacity is necessary over the entire lifetime of the equipment. This is sometimes a delicate balancing act because organizations that are rapidly growing may not know how much capacity they will need at some point in the future. Shifting capital expenses to operational expenses makes it easier to plan budgets and purchase the appropriate amount of protection for current business requirements.

Are you ready to learn more? 

  • Check out our new demo that shows how quickly you can deploy protection for remote networks and mobile users using GlobalProtect cloud service.
  • Join our webinar to understand how you can secure your global workforce with GlobalProtect cloud service.


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