Palo Alto Networks at AWS re:Invent: Amazon GuardDuty Integration and Networking Competency Achieved

Nov 29, 2017
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There’s been a lot of action at AWS re:Invent. First off, Palo Alto Networks was included in the Amazon GuardDuty announcement as an integration partner.  Amazon GuardDuty is a new threat detection service that identifies potentially unauthorized and malicious activity such as escalation of privileges, use of exposed credentials, or communication with malicious IPs, URLs, or domains. Findings generated by Amazon GuardDuty provide customers with an accurate and easy way to continuously monitor and protect their AWS accounts and workloads. Highlighting the power of the VM-Series automation and management features, we have integrated with Amazon GuardDuty to allow Palo Alto Networks customers to proactively protect their AWS environments.

The VM-Series integration with Amazon GuardDuty uses an AWS Lambda function to collect threat findings such as malicious IP addresses. The Lambda function feeds the malicious IP address findings to the VM-Series, using the XML API to create a dynamic address group within a security policy that blocks any activity emanating from the IP address. When Amazon GuardDuty updates the list of malicious IP addresses, the dynamic address group and security policy are automatically updated, without administrative intervention. The integration demonstrates how threat intelligence findings generated by Amazon GuardDuty can be used by the VM-Series to protect business critical workloads on AWS. (Watch this video to learn more.)

AWS Networking Competency Approved

In addition to our Amazon GuardDuty integration, we were also recognized at re:Invent as achieving AWS’ Networking Competency designation with an emphasis on Networking Connectivity. This designation complements the Security Competency that Palo Alto Networks achieved in 2016, and recognizes that Palo Alto Networks provides proven technology and deep expertise to help customers adopt, develop and deploy networks on AWS.

Achieving the AWS Networking Competency with the VM-Series differentiates Palo Alto Networks as an AWS Partner Network (APN) member that provides technical proficiency and proven customer success with a specific focus on networking connectivity including:

  • Capable of acting as a router and intelligently forward packets
  • Manages routing and availability between different network paths
  • Provides Virtual Private Network (VPN) functionality

To learn more about our Amazon GuardDuty integration or to see the VM-Series in action, swing by booth #2409 all this week at AWS re:Invent.

Here’s a summary of all the ways to engage with Palo Alto Networks at AWS re:Invent.

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