Ignite ’18 Europe: Join Us for the First Ever European Ignite Conference!

Feb 27, 2018
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We’re bringing all the excitement of our Ignite security conference to Europe!

Join us at Ignite ’18 Europe in Amsterdam, Netherlands on 8-10 October, 2018 for the latest technology, best practices and technical security collaboration. You’ll have an opportunity to get your hands on the newest technology, learning by doing, hearing firsthand from peers and connecting with experts in your field.

At Ignite ’18 Europe, you’ll find:

  • Even more 1:1s and advanced practitioner breakouts
  • 1,000+ hands-on workshop seats
  • Brand-new versions of our Ultimate Test Drives

Register now and join your peers at Ignite ’18 Europe

Save $200* on conference passes if you register before 31 May.

Prefer to speak at Ignite ’18 Europe?

Ignite ’18 Europe Call for Papers is open. If you can speak to how our technology, products, services or threat research have improved your business along with your security posture – we’d love to hear about it. Submit your session by 4 May 2018.


*All pricing is shown in U.S. Dollars. A USD-to-euro currency converter is available for your convenience on the registration page above.


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