Channel Scoop: February 2, 2018

Feb 02, 2018
1 minutes
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  • Davos 2018 - How Executives Should Approach Integrated Security: Palo Alto Networks chairman and CEO Mark McLaughlin recently participated in a moderated discussion addressing how cyberattacks have changed the way executives approach digital security. View the video.
  • Past and Present Tactics of Ransomware Attacks:  In recent months, there has been a tidal wave of ransomware attacks targeting numerous well-known organizations, and the threat is expected to continue to wreak havoc across the world in the future. Read more about the evolution of ransomware and then watch this video to understand how Traps advanced endpoint protection can prevent these types of attacks.

  • Triathlon Stage 2: Get your bike in motion. Power up with the next round of campaigns focused on hardware upsell, phishing and credential theft, and demo your way to beating the competition. Register now for incentives and prizes.
  • Q3 FY18 NextWave Huddle: Stay informed with company and channel updates. Register now for the March 22 webinar.


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