Palo Alto Networks Commitment to Educating European CEOs and Boards on Cybersecurity as a Business Issue

Jun 22, 2018
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In recent years, the topic of cybersecurity awareness, education, training, and skills has grown in importance across the European Union. On each trip I take to Brussels, I am struck by how this is a growing priority for policymakers in the European Commission, the European Parliament, and EU Member States.

Palo Alto Networks welcomes this growing emphasis on cybersecurity awareness and skills in the EU. On the one-year anniversary of our joining the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition (DSJC) – a European Commission initiative that brings together Member States, companies, social partners, non-profit organisations, and education providers to take action to boost digital skills in Europe – I want to highlight one of our company’s signature initiatives aligned to the EU’s cybersecurity awareness goals: raising awareness at the corporate level in Europe.

Like many European policy and business leaders, Palo Alto Networks believes cybersecurity is a business issue, not simply an IT issue. Today’s businesses must have the knowledge base, skills and tools needed to mitigate the cyber risks inherent in our digital age. We have been working to bring cybersecurity awareness to the European C-suite, in government agencies and in the private sector, via four European editions of our book series, “Navigating the Digital Age: The Definitive Cybersecurity Guide for Directors and Officers.”

These books contain chapters authored by European executives, as well as current and former NATO and European government officials. The authors discuss best practices, and address current cybersecurity issues that businesses and other organisations must consider, including how to manage strategic cybersecurity initiatives at the boardroom level.

Our four European books are:

We have shared thousands of these free books with leaders and organisations across Europe, both in hard copy and in digital editions online. We have promoted the books at congresses and conferences, such as the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. We also have held numerous regional and industry roundtables and workshops across Europe on the topics covered in the books to raise cybersecurity awareness and help leaders face today’s security challenges. One of our pledges under the DSJC was to raise the European C-suite’s awareness of this critical issue via the “Navigating the Digital Age” books. As part of this effort, we were encouraged by the European Commission’s September 2017 Joint Communication that called on EU Member States to make cyber awareness a priority and extend this message to the business community.

Beyond the European countries mentioned above, versions of “Navigating the Digital Age” have also been published in the United States, Japan, Singapore, and Australia. Later in 2018, we will release the second edition, bringing together authors from many parts of the world. This forthcoming edition combines the futurist view of the world and its impact on cyber risk, as well as best practices across a variety of cyber risk topics. Our hope is this latest edition fosters discussions and a mutual understanding about cybersecurity between technical and non-technical executives.

Palo Alto Networks is eager to work with policymakers throughout Europe to bring cybersecurity awareness to the C-suite in government agencies and the private sector.

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