“5G Ready” Is Real With the New K2-Series

Feb 19, 2019
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In my last blog, I talked about the importance of “5G-ready” security. Along with the release of PAN-OS Version 9.0, Palo Alto Networks has announced the general availability of the K2-Series 5G-ready next-generation firewall (NGFW) products. K2-Series puts service providers on the path to 5G readiness with necessary security capabilities that have been specifically developed with 5G and cellular IoT (CIoT) requirements in mind. Service providers can prevent advanced cyberattacks targeting 4G/5G mobile networks, IoT devices, and mobile users, with unprecedented visibility into all network traffic, automated threat correlation, and consistent protections that can be applied across all mobile network deployment scenarios.

5G is about applications and services, and the growth in cellular connected IoT devices is set to explode with the expansion of these networks. Life-critical 5G applications like remote healthcare, remote monitoring and control over our power grids, and self-driving automobiles will all rely on IoT devices and advanced 5G networks with strong security in place. As highlighted in a recent Unit 42 blog, we’ve seen in today’s world of IoT that as fast as we think we may be patching IoT vulnerabilities – such as remote code execution on certain device types – attackers keep morphing and developing new variants of malware. Imagine what may happen in a 5G world where even a small percentage of the 4 or 5 billion IoT device connections become vulnerable.

According to GSMA,  the global internet of things (IoT) market will be worth $1.1 trillion in revenue by 2025, and mobile operators have to look beyond connectivity to seize this massive opportunity.   The 5G networks will be more distributed. The IoT applications will be hosted across 5G edge clouds.    For mobile operators, being 5G-ready can only be possible with the right set of security capabilities baked into their networks by design. With the K2-Series, “5G-ready” is real.


Send us an email for an invitation to attend an exclusive executive 5G briefing at the Mobile World Congress: mwc@paloaltonetworks.com


Palo Alto Networks K2-Series 5G-Ready Next-Generation Firewall

Palo Alto Networks: 5G Security - Establishing a Holistic Security Approach

Palo Alto Networks: NB-IoT Security

A Secure 5G Digital Economy

Lee Klarich Interview on 5G Cyber Security

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