Automated Container Image Scanning with the Prisma Cloud GitHub Action

Jun 07, 2021
4 minutes
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GitHub Actions offer an easy way for customers to automate software workflows as a CI/CD pipeline built into their repository platform. This simplifies adding tests, such as security tests, to inform developers of vulnerabilities and block code that doesn’t meet the organization’s policies from getting added to a repository or deployed to production. Prisma Cloud’s image scanning identifies vulnerabilities and compliance issues in container images during the development process. We’re excited to enable this functionality for your CI/CD pipeline using our container image scanning GitHub Action.

How We Built It

At the core of the action is twistcli, which speaks to the extensibility of the tool. When added to your workflow, the action gathers the necessary variables, scans your container image, then outputs the results in both the standard twistcli output format and SARIF.

To do this, we start by gathering your credentials, Console address, and image name specified in the with section of the scan action’s YAML. Using the GitHub Actions Toolkit Node.js modules, we then make sure that the correct version of twistcli is available in the workflow’s tool cache, pulling it from the Console and saving it if not. We scan the specified container image using the cached twistcli tool. This identifies vulnerabilities and compliance violations in the image.

The action outputs both a standard JSON output file directly from twistcli and generates a separate SARIF output file after reformatting the standard output. You can optionally upload the SARIF to GitHub using the upload-sarif action in your workflow if you want to leverage code scanning alerts in your repository.

Automated Image Scanning

Adding the Prisma Cloud Scan Action to your existing image build pipeline is simple. Add another step that uses our action and pass in the required inputs. For example, after building the image, add a step like this:

- name: Build image
  run: docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME

- name: Scan image
  uses: PaloAltoNetworks/prisma-cloud-scan@v1

pcc_console_url: ${{ secrets.PCC_CONSOLE_URL }}
pcc_user: ${{ secrets.PCC_USER }}
pcc_pass: ${{ secrets.PCC_PASS }}
image_name: ${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }}

In-workflow Feedback and Guardrails

Using the Defend settings in the Prisma Cloud console, you can set the threshold for alerts and failures. This creates an automated way to both inform developers about the posture of their images as they integrate code into the repository and block code that is too vulnerable.

Alert and failure threshold settings
Alert and failure threshold settings

The next time you run your workflow, your image will be built and scanned for vulnerabilities and compliance violations. The results of the scan will show up for developers in the GitHub workflow log and all scans across environments will be aggregated in the Prisma Cloud Console.

Output in the GitHub workflow log
Output in the GitHub workflow log
Output in the Prisma Cloud Console
Output in the Prisma Cloud Console

Optionally, you can have your vulnerabilities and compliance violations sent to your repository’s code scanning alerts for easy tracking. To do this, use GitHub’s upload-sarif action to upload the file containing the scan results in SARIF by adding the following after the image scan step.

- name: Upload SARIF file
  if: ${{ always() }}
  uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v1

sarif_file: ${{ steps.scan.outputs.sarif_file }}

This provides a central place in your repository to view the currently-open vulnerabilities and compliance violations. Once these issues are addressed, for example, if a package is upgraded removing a vulnerability, the alert will be cleared automatically after you scan the updated image.

Example Code scanning alert output
Example Code scanning alert output

Available Now in the GitHub Marketplace

GitHub Actions can be leveraged to create fully automated workflows, including CI/CD pipelines. Together with Prisma Cloud image scanning, development teams can build, secure and deploy their applications all from GitHub. Access our Action from the GitHub Marketplace.

To learn more about this and our other native integrations, see our integration documentation. And whether you’re new to containers or a cloud-native veteran, The 2024 Definitive Guide to Container Security is your essential resource for understanding, implementing and mastering security in a containerized environment. Download your free copy today! 

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