7 Straight Years of Delivering Outstanding Customer Service

Sep 22, 2021
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Achieving anything seven times in a row is difficult especially when it comes to delighting customers. For the seventh consecutive year, Palo Alto Networks gained top honors for outstanding customer service from the Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) and J.D. Power.

Palo Alto Networks has been “Rated Outstanding” by the TSIA and certified for “An Outstanding Customer Service Experience” by J.D. Power for Global Assisted Technical Support. This joint commendation recognizes Palo Alto Networks for delivering exceptional assisted support to customers globally for seven straight years.

We are extremely proud of attaining this success for yet another year. In fact, it’s challenging to put this achievement in context. It’s not just that we’ve extended our string of accomplishments. This recognition signifies that we’ve worked hard again this year. We reached this high standard for our customers, and we made sure they have the best experience possible as we helped them become safer and more secure.

J.D. Power and TSIA rate Palo Alto Networks with outstanding service seven years in a row.

For TSIA, we beat the industry benchmarks by 10% to 23% in all four major areas of Core, Assisted Support, Self-Service and Outsourced Partner Management.

For J.D. Power, we beat the industry benchmark by 6% of the minimum score required to be among the top 20% of Business to Business Network Systems brands in technical support satisfaction.

"Palo Alto Networks once again achieved stellar results for overall experience — you continue to set the pace and standard for others to follow," we were told in a feedback session from the TSIA certification team.

Starting with the debriefs with TSIA and J.D. Power, we thank these programs and then ask ourselves, what can we do to improve? We ask for insight about industry benchmarks so we know where we fall short and can figure out how to remediate those issues. We don’t consider this review an audit, but a way of life. It’s now in our DNA to take that feedback and put it into practice for improvement.

We have a team to oversee this process and ensure we're aware of more than 700 data points and 323 business functions by which we’re measured.

The audit is very encompassing across much of our company, from basic process validation to the vision and mission of our company. It validates that all our people, processes and technology are aligned with the best practices found in the industry. Our business partners also participate with finance, HR, marketing, recruiting, PM and Engineering.

Of course, we evaluate our customer relations with top priority, examining our services from a host of metrics, such as getting customers their entitlements under SLAs, speed of service, resolution time, and most importantly, their feedback in terms of CSAT and NPS.

Our approach is, “How do we get better?” We begin implementing changes and don’t stop throughout the year.

It’s a process of continuous improvement, and we’re all here for our customers. As expectations increase, we’re working harder across all our teams and continuously introducing product specialization and best practices. All of this is in an effort to keep pace with our rapid growth and our customers’ ever-changing environments.

The TSIA and J.D. Power awards for Excellence relate directly to customer satisfaction and their experience with Palo Alto Networks. They are high industry benchmarks to meet. We are proud to say that we blew them away and set the standard for others to meet.

J.D. Power 2021 Global Certified Assisted Technical Support Program, developed in conjunction with TSIA. Based on successful completion of an audit and exceeding a customer satisfaction benchmark for global assisted support operations. For more information, visit www.jdpower.com or www.tsia.com


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