Single-Vendor SASE for Better Security Outcomes

Mar 21, 2023
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Global organizations entered 2023 facing a year of economic uncertainty. For security and networking teams, this meant under-resourced teams were tasked to keep operations running while combating the most complex cyber threats ever seen in a new world of hybrid work.

This environment makes it critical for organizations to simplify operational complexity, reduce costs, and gain the latest advancements in cloud-delivered security and networking to protect their business from cyber threats.

Industry experts will be talking more about these issues at our virtual event in early April where they will share how the latest innovations in Prisma SASE—our purpose-built, cloud-delivered security and networking platform for single-vendor SASE—can help.

More security vendors mean more complexity

How are organizations looking to simplify operational complexity? According to our recent What’s Next in Cyber: A Global Executive Pulse Check survey, 77% of respondents said they are highly likely to reduce the number of vendors, security solutions, and services they rely on by reducing their current security environment. This is no small undertaking, either; the average environment has 32 security tools or solutions from 13 vendors.

Source: What’s Next in Cyber: A Global Executive Pulse Check

A real-life look at single-vendor SASE

Prisma SASE is a single-vendor SASE platform that can help enterprises fortify their security posture, improve their return on investment (ROI), and reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) without adding more best-of-breed point solutions to their already complicated security portfolio. And this isn’t something we’re building for the future—single-vendor SASE is here now.

In fact, Village Roadshow is already taking advantage of what a singular SASE platform can provide.

Village Roadshow is a leading entertainment company based in Melbourne, Australia, with well-recognized retail brands. The company entertains millions of people annually through business operations that span theme parks, movie exhibitions, film production, film distribution, and marketing solutions.

Their security team faced challenges managing their aging network infrastructure. It was built with solutions from multiple vendors and designed for a bygone era.

This former network was built on conventional routers never designed for the cloud, requiring traffic backhauling to a centralized hub for security inspection and policy enforcement. This traffic backhauling slowed down application performance, frustrating users and reducing productivity.

With Prisma SASE, Village Roadshow has realized cost savings and improved security outcomes. They were able to consolidate the capabilities of more than one vendor into the Prisma SASE platform to 5,000 man-hours monthly as they no longer need to deal with unexpected outages, manage multiple vendors, or solve interoperability challenges.

Use single-vendor SASE to better secure your hybrid workforce

Single-vendor SASE provides a holistic solution to address the entire attack surface, ensuring a more consistent policy while providing a clear understanding of what's happening in the network. Best-of-breed point solutions built into a multi-vendor approach only provide fragmented results, leading to partial insights and unacceptable trade-offs between security and usability.

Companies need to rethink their security approach in today’s world of hybrid networks and workforces. It’s a time of cybersecurity transformation where companies support employees who work from everywhere and corporate assets and data are stored anywhere—in public clouds, in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications, on-prem data centers, and more.

Check out our on-demand virtual launch event and resources page to learn about the power available in a single-vendor SASE platform.


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