Palo Alto Networks
Cybersecurity Academy

Calling all educators:
Access turnkey curriculum developed by Palo Alto Networks cybersecurity and threat intelligence experts.

For students and job seekers:
Break into one of the world's fastest-growing industries with Cybersecurity Academy courses delivered by our academic partners.
Try one of our free, online cybersecurity micro-courses to kickstart your learning journey.
high schools, colleges and universities
students engaged
From the Cybersecurity Academy community
Secure the Future Competition

"The Cybersecurity Academy provided me with amazing networking opportunities that helped jumpstart my career in cyber. Presenting to a panel of leading professionals helped me secure my future as a full-time associate systems engineer."
State of North Dakota

“Participating in the Cyber Madness high school competition revealed to me what my true passion is and where my interests are. After competing, I decided to go to Turtle Mountain College for my Associate’s of Applied Science in Cyber Security and Data Privacy.”
Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired

“Palo Alto Networks has been a true champion of inclusion and accessibility, making a profound impact in their partnership with the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired.”